Commentary | Sophie Hislop and Dwayne Robinson: The Hotel Motel Program is a Band-Aid on a wound that needs stitches
Last August we were evicted from our apartment in Lebanon, N.H., and our journey with the GA Hotel Motel Program began. We are both Vermonters, who had been living in the Upper Valley when we fi...
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The Brattleboro Reformer is the third-largest daily newspaper in the U.S. state of Vermont. With a weekday circulation of just over 10,000, it is behind the Burlington Free Press and the Rutland Herald, respectively. It publishes six days a week, Monday through Saturday, with its Weekend Reformer having the largest readership; the offices of the paper are in Brattleboro, Vermont and it has a market penetration (weekday sales per 100 households) of 62.8 in its home zip code.